This is a React component

import { FloatRangeWidget } from "@prestojs/ui-antd";

See InputNumber for props available

As with all range widgets, ref should be shaped as { lowerRef: Ref(), upperRef: Ref() }

You may pass in props to be used for the individual input as lowerInput / upperInput


className for the wrapper class.


the input coming from form; value and onChange of it is used by the RangedWidget.


Any props you want to pass to the first ("lower") Input of a range. Props available depends on type of range widget being used.


Any extra details such as field errors, touched status etc. The values here depend on the form library in use. If using @prestojs/final-form see FieldRenderProps for what this will be.


Separator between two Input elements; defaults to -.


Any props you want to pass to the second ("upper") Input of a range. Props available depends on type of range widget being used.